Ahlers & Vogel advises clients in Germany and overseas with legal advice and guidance through the core areas of Commercial Law, focussing on Company, Building, and Employment, as well as Shipping and Transport Law.
The state of sanctions law at the beginning of February 2025 and the 15th package of EU-Russia sanctions
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
The UN Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sale of Ships (Beijing Convention)
The Beijing Convention considers fundamental principles of law to protect creditors globally in the enforcement proceedings against ships. The way is paved for ...
War-related Extensions of EU Sanctions Measures
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
Current developments and decisions in construction
Germany has strict regulations for building construction, which are often perceived as obstacles to innovation and efficiency. The draft bill for the ‘Draft A ...
The new EU law on AI
The European Parliament has passed the world's first AI law. It will come into force in the member states in 2026. Due to the comprehensive set of regulations, ...
The 14th package of EU-Russia sanctions
On 24 June 2020, the EU member states once again agreed on a comprehensive package of sanctions in response to Russian aggression and the war waged by Russia in ...
A&V donates books to Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences again this year
As in 2020 and 2023, this year we were once again able to provide the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences in the Department of Maritime Studies and Mariti ...
The relevance of general terms and conditions and choice of law clauses in international labour law
Labour law always focuses on the protection of employees. The most recent decisions of the Federal Labour Court confirm the importance of controlling general te ...
Cannabis in the workplace
Since 1 April 2024, the use of cannabis has been legal for adults in Germany (Cannabis Act, CanG). This has implications for working life, as companies must now ...
The 13th package of EU-Russia sanctions
On 23.02.2024, the EU member states once again agreed on a comprehensive package of sanctions in response to Russian aggression and the war waged by Russia in U ...
Pay transparency is being tightened
In order to further reduce the gender pay gap in the EU, the EU has adopted a new directive on pay transparency. The new EU directive on pay transparency came i ...
The twelfth package of EU-Russia sanctions
On 18 December 2023, the EU member states once again agreed on a comprehensive package of sanctions in response to Russian aggression and the war waged by Russi ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Construction price increases as supplementary claims – a progress report
The economic downturn in the construction industry is on everyone's lips. One of the many reasons for this is certainly the sharp rise in construction prices, w ...
Ahlers & Vogel advises financial investor Comitans on the acquisition of the small-bore pistons business from Rheinmetall
Ahlers & Vogel advised Comitans Capital AG on the acquisition of Rheinmetall's small-bore pistons business. Comitans and Rheinmetall have signed a sale and ...
A&V in Strasse und Autobahn: Deadlines declared before acceptance cannot be interpreted as setting a deadline for subsequent fulfilment!
If there are defects in the contractually owed construction work, the client is entitled to claims for defects. According to both the provisions of the VOB/B an ...
BAG: German holiday law also applies to the external manager of a Private Limited Company.
German vacation law also applies to external managing directors, as long they are employees within the meaning of European law. ...
BSG continues its social security-friendly case law
Service contracts between one-man companies and a client do not exclude the shareholder-manager being subject to social insurance contributions. ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Compliance in road construction
On May 12, 2023, the Bundesrat approved the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG). Under this law, companies with more than 50 employees are required to set up ...
The eleventh package of EU-Russia sanctions
The eleventh EU sanctions package against Russia is in line with previous sanctions packages and follows them in purpose and logic. The amendments were adopted ...
Ahlers & Vogel Verwaltungen GbR informs: Federal Council approves Whistleblower Protection Act
The Federal Council approved the Whistleblower Protection Act (“Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz” / “HinSchG”) on 12 May 2023. The act obliges companies with mo ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Procurement Law – Limits of Prequalification
In its decision of 8 June 2022 - Verg 19/22, the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court recalled the limits of the prequalification of bidders and rejected the gener ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Exclusion of bids due to lack of reliability in the case of previous contracts
A recent decision of the Federal Public Procurement Tribunal (Vergabekammer des Bundes) on a Europe-wide tender for the renewal of vehicle restraint systems on ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: The evaluation of concepts in award procedures in road construction
When awarding construction contracts, public-sector clients frequently choose not only price as the sole award criterion, but also use other criteria to determi ...
The tenth package of EU-Russia sanctions
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
Individually negotiated salaries are not an argument for gender pay gap
In its decision of 16 February 2023 (8 AZR 450/21), the Federal Labour Court tightened the prohibition of discrimination. The Court emphasizes, that individual ...
A&V supports students at Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences once again
In October 2020, Ahlers & Vogel had already supported the students at the Department of Maritime Studies and Maritime Sciences at Emden/Leer University of Appli ...
Appointment of Dr. Eva-Maria Harm as Partner
Ahlers & Vogel is pleased to announce that Dr Eva-Maria Harm has joined the firm as a partner on 1 January 2023. Dr Harm joined Ahlers & Vogel on 1 April 2017 a ...
The certificate of incapacity for work to be provided to the employer only in digital form
Digitalisation in Germany is advancing and is not stopping in the world of work. Since 1 January 2023, a large proportion of employees no longer have to present ...
Need for action for employers: The Federal Labour Court on the limitation and expiry of holiday entitlement
After years of uncertainty in holiday law, at least (for the time being) the question of the limitation and expiry of holiday entitlement has been answered by t ...
The ninth package of EU-Russia sanctions
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
Receipt of e-mails in business transactions
Business transactions and in particular business transactions in the construction industry are now predominantly conducted digitally. However, with regard to th ...
The eighth package of EU-Russia sanctions
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
Forfeiture of vacation only upon notice by the employer
Stricter duty to inform for the employer due to two new ECJ rulings: Holiday entitlements are only time-barred if the employer has previously informed the emplo ...
Ahlers & Vogel goes Instagram!
The time has come: Ahlers & Vogel is now also represented on Instagram with its own account. From now on, we will regularly entertain our followers with new pos ...
Obligation to record working time for the employer
With the latest decision of the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht, BAG) of 13.09.2022 (file no. 1 ABR 22/21) on the topic of "recording working time", ...
No effective termination of construction contracts by e-mail!
The termination of a construction contract is probably the most drastic intervention in an existing contractual relationship. In addition to the fact that the c ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Calculation, mixed calculation, speculation, price shifting
In principle, a bidder is free to calculate the prices for the services put out to tender. However, even in public procurement procedures, i.e. in award procedu ...
Ahlers & Vogel at EXPO REAL in Munich
Ahlers & Vogel will once again be represented at EXPO REAL in Munich this year. The largest trade fair for real estate and investment in Europe will take place ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Liability for damages caused by third parties – What matters!
Unfortunately, it also happens regularly in road construction that subcontractors or their sub-subcontractors cause damage to other legal assets during the exec ...
The seventh package of EU-Russia sanctions and the Black Sea Grain Initiative
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
Free retrieval of all register contents
The Act on the Implementation of the Digitalisation Directive (DiRUG) came into force on 01.08.2022. It "serves to implement Directive (EU) 2019/1151 of the Eur ...
Need for action for employers: The Verification Act (Nachweisgesetz – NachwG) and its amendments with fines
The implementation of the Working Conditions Directive (EU Directive 2019/1152) primarily leads to an amendment of the Verification Act (NachwG) and forces empl ...
The sixth package of EU-Russia sanctions: Implications for the maritime industry
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
BAG: Corona testing obligation for employees lawful
In its judgment of 1 June 2022 - 5 AZR 28/22 - the Federal Labour Court (BAG) ruled that employers may be entitled to unilaterally order corona testing (in the ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: UKRAINE – Material and operating material price explosion.
On Friday, March 25, 2022, the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) issued regulations for dealing with the currently incalculable price dev ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Missing documents in the procurement procedure – additional demand or exclusion?
When participating in procurement procedures, the bids to be submitted are often processed up to the last minute. It is not uncommon that documents, information ...
Sanctions law on the horizon: The Sanctions Enforcement Act I
The EU sanctions law leads to a new reality because it sets new framework conditions for previously well-established economic relations. Compliance with the new ...
BAG: No facilitation of evidence for employees in overtime compensation cases
The decision of the Emden Labour Court (ArbG Emden) of 9 November 2020 - 2 Ca 399/18 has caused a lot of discussion on the topic of overtime pay since its publi ...
Sanctions Law in May 2022
For many, the ever-changing requirements of EU sanctions law appear to be a new bureaucratic jungle. Compliance with the new regulations is essential for every ...
A&V gains Dr. Claudia Nottbusch and Dr. Robert Hintze as a partner duo with a Büsing Müffelmann & Theye team
Ahlers & Vogel is thereby expanding its expertise in public law and procurement law, strengthening its corporate and tax law practice as well as its notarial pr ...
A&V in AW Prax: Transparency in online trading
On 28.05.2022, the "enforcement and modernisation directive" of the EU will be implemented in Germany. For its implementation, the BGB and EGBGB will be supplem ...
The principle of fair negotiation
The conclusion of a termination agreement is a low-risk method of terminating employment relationships, especially from the employer's point of view. This is es ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Negative unit prices in the award procedure
In award procedures for road construction services, it regularly happens that the bid calculation for a service results in a negative unit price. Both bidders a ...
Appointment as notary
Our partner Dr. Jochen Böning, specialist for commercial and corporate law, was sworn in as a notary public by the Vice President of the Bremen Regional Court ...
Conversion ban for residential buildings in Hamburg
In Hamburg, the conversion of rented flats into owner-occupied flats has been made more difficult since an ordinance was issued in November last year. Throughou ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Subsoil conditions – Who bears the risk?
Almost every construction project raises the question of the subsoil conditions. These cannot be completely determined in advance, as it is not possible to carr ...
No “best before date” for occupational Integration Management (bEM) in the Case of Dismissals due to Illness
In its judgement of 18 November 2021 – 2 AZR 138/21, the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) ruled that the employer must in principle conduct ...
Ukraine War and Construction: Passing on War-related Price increases for Building Materials
Although the current images and reports of the Russian Federation’s attack on Ukraine in violation of international law are hard to bear and very few professi ...
Transfer of Business does not necessarily lead to default of acceptance
In its judgement of 16 December 2021 – 1 Ca 305 b/21 – the Labour Court of Neumünster (ArbG Neumünster) ruled that the prior default of acceptance of the ...
A&V in AW-PRAX: ICC model clauses for the online use of GTC in B2C business
In B2C situations caution is required when selling goods online, especially if the purchaser is located abroad. In such a case, the consumer protection regulati ...
Adjustment of the Commercial Rent During the Lockdown
In its ruling of 12 January 2022 (BGH XII ZR 8/21) the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) decided on the issue of adjusting commercial rents during the lockdown, wh ...
A&V in ICC Magazine: Assistance in International Trade
The ICC Model International Sales Contract has been updated. Whether in person or electronically, anyone who does business in international trade usually conclu ...
A&V in NZV: Note on the ECJ Judgement on Cross-border Enforcement of Fines
In its decision, the ECJ underlines the objective of the Framework Decision, namely to ensure the cross-border enforcement of fines across EU borders. This ECJ ...
A&V in AW-PRAX: New Sales Law Regulations as of 1.1.2022
The start of the new year 2022 brings with it a far-reaching reform of the German Civil Code. The need for change arose from the new European Directive on the S ...
End of the Year = Time-bar Trap?
At the latest when the year is drawing to a close, it is time to conduct a time bar analysis within the company. Are there claims that will become time-barred o ...
A&V in Transportrecht: The freight payment claim – burden of proof and fault
German transport law knows the comparatively short one-year limitation period. Under special circumstances, if the person obliged to pay is guilty of gross negl ...
No salary during lockdown
In its judgement of 13 October 2021 – 5 AZR 211/21, the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) ruled that an employer does not owe its employees ...
Ahlers & Vogel – when the going gets tough, the tough get going
The fact that the members of our law firm are not only eloquent lawyers in fancy suits and costumes was proven once again at the 10th Trail Relay in Hoope on No ...
Price explosion for building materials – financial compensation possible?
The prices for building materials have risen explosively in recent months, so that the associated costs can often no longer be covered by the previously agreed ...
Termination of employment and subsequent sick leave
The employer may have doubts about the certificate of incapacity for work in individual cases
The Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) ruled in its decision of 8 September 2021 – 5 AZR 149/21 – that the probative value of the certifica ...
A&V in AW-Prax: Impact of standard delivery clauses on the export business
If goods are exported to a third country, a wide range of arrangements must be made between the seller and the buyer, for which standardized terms and condition ...
Obligation for All to be registered in the Transparency Register
Tightening of the law from 1 August 2021
On 26 June 2017, the Money Laundering Directive Implementation Act came into force. One of the essential components of the new Money Laundering Act (“Geldwäs ...
A&V in AW-Prax: Seller obligations with regard to the carriage of goods
Praxisfragen zur Anwendung von Lieferbedingungen und UN-Kaufrecht im Versendungskauf
Agreements on the carriage of goods are an integral part of the performance of international trade transactions. If standardised terms of delivery (e.g. Incoter ...
Ahlers & Vogel im Weser Kurier: Mit dem Gesetz auf Du und Du
im Magazin „Job4you Ausbildung & Beruf“
Es ist in unserem Hause eine geschätzte Tradition, Fachkräfte selbst auszubilden und diese nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Ausbildung zu übernehmen. Wir h ...
Recalculation of German road toll
Gesetzlicher Erstattungsanspruch und neue Mautsätze
In its decision of 28 October 2020, the ECJ ruled that the calculation of the German road toll is contrary to European law – in as far as it is based on the r ...
“Holiday success” not necessary
An officially ordered quarantine does not prevent the consumption of holiday leave
In its decision of 08.06.2021 – 6 Ca 6035/21, the ArbG Bremen-Bremerhaven (Bremen-Bremerhaven Labour Court) ruled that an officially ordered quarantine does n ...
Overtime Compensation
For the time being, no “toleration” of overtime without the employer’s knowledge
In its ruling of 06.05.2021 – 5 Sa 1292/20, the Regional Labour Court (LAG) of Lower Saxony did not confirm the decision of the Labour Court (ArbG) of Emden o ...
BAG answers open question for diaconal employers
Extraordinary termination for operational reasons is possible in the scope of application of the AVR Diakonie Deutschland
In its ruling of 27 April 2021 (2nd Senate, 2 AZR 357/20), the Federal Labour Court clarified important issues in the area of dismissal for operational reasons ...
A&V in AW-Prax: ECJ on jurisdiction
German hotel can sue Dutch Booking.com in Germany
At the end of 2020, the ECJ determined which courts have jurisdiction over actions directed against the business practices (here: the inclusion of amended GTC) ...
Ahlers & Vogel announces new partner as of 1 July 2021
We are happy to announce that we have appointed Mr Moritz Naegeler as partner with effect of 1 July 2021. Moritz Naegeler started working with Ahlers & Vogel on ...
A&V in AW-Prax: Delivery by handing over the goods to the carrier
Practical questions on delivery and transfer of risk in distance selling
This article deals with questions of practical relevance that revolve around the issues of “delivery to the carrier” and “delivery by making available”. ...
A&V in AW-Prax: China Import Service Fee
Rip-off of CIF imports
If the Incoterm CIF is agreed at the time of purchase, it frequently happens that – before the goods are delivered – the forwarder asks the importer to pay ...
A&V in ICC Magazine: Template General Terms and Conditions for Digital Commerce
Template of the ICC for B2C transactions on the Internet
In order to support companies in B2C business, the ICC published a template of general terms and conditions (GTC) with the most important components of a sales ...
A&V in AW-Prax: Force Majeure in International Trade Law
Main features of international business law and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Due to the Corona pandemic, the problem of impediments to performance has come to the fore. Therefore, the idea of using “force majeure clauses” in contract ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Recording is rewarding! – Maybe.
Construction site correspondence
The correspondence conducted is of central importance for the success of a construction site. In his article ” Recording is Rewarding! – Maybe.” from the ...
A&V in AW-Prax: Incoterms 2020 and input tax deduction
What role does the agreement of an Incoterms clause play for the input tax deduction?
In July 2020, the BMF published a clarifying notice on the entitlement to deduct input turnover tax (EUSt): In principle, the contractually agreed place of deli ...
A&V in Straße und Autobahn: The tendering process for road construction projects
Under European Procurement law, the principle of division into lots also applies to road construction tenders. The article “Das Gebot der Losvergabe im Straß ...
A&V in AW-Prax: Legal questions on the transfer of risk in international trade
Part 2 – Who bears the risk of transport damage and loss of goods in export transactions?
An everyday problem of cross-border trade in goods: After the conclusion of the sales contract the goods are handed over to the carrier but reach the buyer in d ...
A&V in AW-Prax: Legal questions on the transfer of risk in international trade
Part 1 – Who bears the risk of transport damage and loss of goods in export transactions?
An everyday problem of cross-border trade in goods: After the conclusion of the sales contract the goods are handed over to the carrier but reach the buyer in d ...
Export control, embargoes and Brexit – What to watch out for?
M.I.T E-SOLUTIONS GmbH’s interview with Hendrikje Herrmann
This interview, conducted by Mr Onno Reiners from M.I.T E-SOLUTIONS GmbH with our lawyer Hendrikje Herrmann, deals with the topics of export control and sanctio ...
The costs of a supplement are not recoverable!
In the course of the implementation of a construction project for the construction of a road overpass over railway tracks, a late award of contract occurred in ...
Securities – Corona and Easter
In a letter dated 26.03.2020, the contractor demanded a security pursuant to section 650f BGB from the principal. The principal rejected the week-long period in ...
Appointment as notary
Our partner Julia Gerlach, specialist in construction and architectural law, was sworn in as a notary public by the Vice President of the Bremen Regional Court ...
Ahlers & Vogel announces two new partners as of 1 January 2021
We are happy to announce that we have appointed Ms Julia Gerlach and Dr. Martin Schmitz as partners with effect of 1 January 2021. Julia Gerlach started working ...
Choice of court agreement and enforcement: Brexit as a pitfall
There was great joy and relief when, fittingly for Christmas, it was announced that there was an agreement between the EU and the UK on trade and economic relat ...
Nur pauschale Bedenkenanmeldung: Auftragnehmer haftet!
Der Auftraggeber beauftragte den Auftragnehmer mit der Installation von Rohrleitungslüftungen in einem Mehrfamilien-Wohngebäude. Als die Arbeiten beginnen, ve ...
Keine Zusatzvergütung für offenkundige Trocknungs- und Aushärtungsarbeiten!
Der Auftragnehmer wurde im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung mit Straßenbauarbeiten beauftragt. Diese waren in nacheinander auszuführenden 30 Bauabschn ...
Die neue HOAI tritt am 01.01.2021 in Kraft
Im Juli 2019 entschied der Europäische Gerichtshof, dass die Verbindlichkeit der Mindest- und Höchstsätze in der HOAI gegen Europarecht verstößt (Urteil vo ...
Update: Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie
In unserem JusLetter „Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie“ haben wir im März 2020 das durch Bundestag und Bundesrat verabschiedete Maßnahmenpaket ...
Die sichere Vergabe von Postdienstleistungen
Wann müssen öffentliche Auftraggeber die Erbringung von Postdienstleistungen, also die Abholung, Beförderung und Zustellung von Briefsendungen, europaweit au ...
AGB-Anpassungen in Zeiten von Corona?
Die Corona-Pandemie stellt Unternehmen vor eine Vielzahl neuer Rechtsprobleme. Insbesondere im Vertragsrecht stellt sich derzeit oft die Frage, ob Leistungsstö ...
A&V unterstützt Studierende der Hochschule Emden/Leer mit Gesetzessammlung
In diesen Tagen beginnt auch am Fachbereich Seefahrt und Maritime Wissenschaften der Hochschule Emden/Leer das Wintersemester 2020/2021. Eine wichtige Säule de ...
Führt der Verzicht auf die Einrede der Anfechtbarkeit zur Unwirksamkeit der Sicherungsabrede?
Der Auftraggeber beauftragte den Auftragnehmer im Jahr 2013 mit der Durchführung von Arbeiten an einer Lüftungsanlage. Nach Abnahme und Zahlung auf die Schlus ...
Ausschluss eines GmbH-Gesellschafters auch ohne Beschluss über die Verwertung seines Geschäftsanteiles möglich
In seiner Entscheidung vom 04.08.2020, Az. II ZR 171/19, hat der BGH kürzlich entschieden, dass ein Ausschluss eines GmbH-Gesellschafters auch ohne einen Besch ...
Zur Frage der Verjährung des Anspruchs auf Stellung einer Bauhandwerkersicherheit
In der vorstehend genannten Entscheidung hatte sich das OLG Köln mit der durchaus umstrittenen Frage zu befassen, wann der Anspruch des AN auf Stellung einer B ...
Sind die HOAI-Mindestsätze zwischen Privaten noch verbindlich? BGH ruft Europäischen Gerichtshof an!
Die Parteien schlossen einen Ingenieurvertrag und vereinbarten ein Pauschalhonorar. Nach der Kündigung des Vertrags macht der Ingenieur die höhere Vergütung ...
Anwachsung von Gesellschaftsanteilen = Schenkung?
Stirbt bei einer zweigliedrigen Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (GbR) einer der beiden Gesellschafter und ist für diesen Fall vereinbart, dass dem überleben ...
Verstoß gegen das Schriftformerfordernis bei fehlender Unterschrift des zweiten Geschäftsführers
Das Schriftformerfordernis für Langzeitmietverträge bereitet Vermietern in der Praxis häufig Probleme. Nicht unbedingt förderlich ist dabei, dass der BGH in ...
Herausgabe personenbezogener Daten von KG-Gesellschaftern an Mitgesellschafter
In seiner Entscheidung vom 04.06.2020, Az.: 23 U 149/18, hat das Kammergericht Berlin entschieden, dass der Beschluss einer Kommanditgesellschaft nichtig ist, m ...
Konkurrenzverbote auch für Minderheitsgesellschafter?
Beinahe jeder Gesellschaftsvertrag enthält Regelungen zum (un-)erlaubten Wettbewerb der Gesellschafter. Ein umfassendes vertragliches Konkurrenzverbot für Min ...
Kündigungsfrist von Geschäftsführerdienstverträgen
Auch ein Mitglied der Geschäftsführung einer GmbH, welches nicht zugleich Mehrheitsgesellschafter ist, kann sich nach Ansicht des Bundesarbeitsgerichts nicht ...
Zur Anfechtbarkeit von Hauptversammlungsbeschlüssen wegen Verletzung des Teilnahmerechts
Das Bestreben vieler Akteure an den Finanzmärkten, ihr Portfolio auch um Beteiligungen an Aktiengesellschaften zu erweitern, dürfte auch nach dem Wirecard-Ska ...
Prof. Dr. Rolf Herber
In addition to his work as a lawyer, he has always remained dedicated to the legal profession and has trained generations of maritime lawyers. As a worldwide ac ...
Gesetzesreform zum Schriftformerfordernis im Gewerberaummietrecht: Das Ende schlafloser Nächte?
Spätestens seit den Entscheidungen des BGH zur Unwirksamkeit von Schriftformheilungsklauseln in den Jahren 2014 und 2017 leben Parteien von Gewerberaummietvert ...
Ahlers & Vogel supports the International WISTA Annual General Meeting & Conference
We are delighted to support the 41st AGM and conference of the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) which takes place in Hamburg fro ...
Information on Covid-19: Changed procedures at Ahlers & Vogel
Ahlers & Vogel continuously monitors the current situation and the recommendations of the authorities and the Robert Koch Institute. Our aim is to support the a ...
Analyse der Incoterms® 2020
Wie bereits in unserem Aussenhandel_Quarterly_III_2019.pdf ausführlich berichtet, veröffentlichte die Internationale Handelskammer (ICC) am 10.09.2019 die Neu ...