Dr. Robert J. R. HintzeLawyer | Specialist Lawyer for Tax Law | Partner
28203 Bremen
Contrescarpe 21
Telefon +49 421 3334-238
Telefax +49 421 3334-111
Dr. Hintze studied law in Osnabrück, completed additional training in economics there, and earned his doctorate in Bonn. He has been practicing law since 2007, initially with a leading supra-regional commercial law firm in Bremen, where he became a partner in 2012. In 2022, Dr. Hintze joined our firm as a partner. Dr. Hintze’s practice focuses on tax and corporate law as well as commercial and criminal tax law. His main areas of activity are the legal representation and advising of our clients before the tax authorities and the tax courts, as well as on corporate law advice, in particular with regard to commercial law contracts and corporate transactions (M&A). He has extensive experience as a criminal defense attorney in criminal tax law, criminal business law and antitrust law. Dr. Hintze is a specialist attorney for tax law.
- Deputy Chairman of the Expert Committee “Specialist Lawyer for Tax Law” of the Hanseatic Bar Association Bremen
- Member of the Board (Secretary) of the Club zu Bremen von 1783 e.V.
- Member of the German Tax Law Society e.V.
Foreign Languages: English
Indizien in der Finanzrechtsprechung
Reihe: Bonner Schriften zum Steuer-, Finanz- und Unternehmensrecht
Münster u.a. 2008
LIT Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8258-1609-4 (Deutschland)
ISBN 978-3-03735-890-0 (Schweiz)
- Wiedereinsetzung in eine gesetzliche Antragsfrist nach Eintritt der Festsetzungsverjährung – zugleich eine Anm. zum BFH-Urteil vom 24.1.2008 – VII R 3/07 – DER BETRIEB 2008, S. 2051 – 2054
- 33 GrStG n.F. verstößt in seiner Ausgestaltung gegen das Grundgesetz und lässt die Erhebung der Grundsteuer selbst verfassungswidrig werden – DWW Deutsche Wohnungswirtschaft 2011, S. 42 – 48
Ansatz und Bewertung der Wirtschaftsgüter in der steuerlichen Eröffnungsbilanz bei der Umwandlung von Personengesellschaften in Kapitalgesellschaften
Hamburg, 2014
Verlag tredition
ISBN: 978-3-8495-7498-7