Ingo KrökelLawyer | Counsel
20459 Hamburg
Schaarsteinwegsbrücke 2
Telephone +49 40 378588-40
Telefax +49 40 378588-88
Fields of law
After his apprenticeship as shipping merchant with an English shipping company, Ingo Krökel studied law in Hamburg. Since his admission to the bar in 2003, he has been working as lawyer at Ahlers und Vogel. In the field of Maritime Economic Law, he advises shipowners, shipyards, owners and issuing houses in all aspects of ship financing, ship registration, purchase and sale of seagoing vessels and yachts. He furthermore focusses on the design, negotiation, restructuring and review of charter and ship management contracts and all other contracts related to the ship operation. Moreover, his particular interest is in the environmentally sound and socially acceptable recycling of seagoing vessels.
Foreign Languages: English