Latest News NEWS FROM AHLERS & VOGEL 6. August 2024The new EU law on AI8. July 2024The 14th package of EU-Russia sanctions12. June 2024A&V donates books to Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences again this year3. May 2024The relevance of general terms and conditions and choice of law clauses in international labour law29. April 2024Cannabis in the workplace19. April 2024The 13th package of EU-Russia sanctions8. February 2024Pay transparency is being tightened11. January 2024The twelfth package of EU-Russia sanctions3. January 2024A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Construction price increases as supplementary claims – a progress report21. December 2023Ahlers & Vogel advises financial investor Comitans on the acquisition of the small-bore pistons business from Rheinmetall4. December 2023A&V in Strasse und Autobahn: Deadlines declared before acceptance cannot be interpreted as setting a deadline for subsequent fulfilment!4. December 2023BAG: German holiday law also applies to the external manager of a Private Limited Company.27. July 2023BSG continues its social security-friendly case law12. July 2023A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Compliance in road construction29. June 2023The eleventh package of EU-Russia sanctions31. May 2023Ahlers & Vogel Verwaltungen GbR informs: Federal Council approves Whistleblower Protection Act16. May 2023A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Procurement Law – Limits of Prequalification10. May 2023A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Exclusion of bids due to lack of reliability in the case of previous contracts26. April 2023A&V in Straße und Autobahn: The evaluation of concepts in award procedures in road construction21. March 2023The tenth package of EU-Russia sanctions10. March 2023Individually negotiated salaries are not an argument for gender pay gap28. January 2023A&V supports students at Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences once again25. January 2023Appointment of Dr. Eva-Maria Harm as Partner19. January 2023The certificate of incapacity for work to be provided to the employer only in digital form28. December 2022Need for action for employers: The Federal Labour Court on the limitation and expiry of holiday entitlement22. December 2022The ninth package of EU-Russia sanctions6. December 2022Receipt of e-mails in business transactions25. October 2022The eighth package of EU-Russia sanctions27. September 2022Forfeiture of vacation only upon notice by the employer23. September 2022Ahlers & Vogel goes Instagram!19. September 2022Obligation to record working time for the employer14. September 2022No effective termination of construction contracts by e-mail!12. September 2022A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Calculation, mixed calculation, speculation, price shifting9. September 2022Ahlers & Vogel at EXPO REAL in Munich25. August 2022A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Liability for damages caused by third parties – What matters!11. August 2022The seventh package of EU-Russia sanctions and the Black Sea Grain Initiative10. August 2022Free retrieval of all register contents7. July 2022Need for action for employers: The Verification Act (Nachweisgesetz – NachwG) and its amendments with fines27. June 2022The sixth package of EU-Russia sanctions: Implications for the maritime industry24. June 2022BAG: Corona testing obligation for employees lawful23. June 2022A&V in Straße und Autobahn: UKRAINE – Material and operating material price explosion.25. May 2022A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Missing documents in the procurement procedure – additional demand or exclusion?24. May 2022Sanctions law on the horizon: The Sanctions Enforcement Act I23. May 2022BAG: No facilitation of evidence for employees in overtime compensation cases20. May 2022Sanctions Law in May 202210. May 2022A&V gains Dr. Claudia Nottbusch and Dr. Robert Hintze as a partner duo with a Büsing Müffelmann & Theye team25. April 2022A&V in AW Prax: Transparency in online trading21. April 2022The principle of fair negotiation14. April 2022A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Negative unit prices in the award procedure13. April 2022Appointment as notary11. April 2022Conversion ban for residential buildings in Hamburg7. April 2022A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Subsoil conditions – Who bears the risk?17. March 2022No “best before date” for occupational Integration Management (bEM) in the Case of Dismissals due to Illness14. March 2022Ukraine War and Construction: Passing on War-related Price increases for Building Materials22. February 2022Transfer of Business does not necessarily lead to default of acceptance15. February 2022A&V in AW-PRAX: ICC model clauses for the online use of GTC in B2C business3. February 2022Adjustment of the Commercial Rent During the Lockdown24. January 2022A&V in ICC Magazine: Assistance in International Trade14. January 2022A&V in NZV: Note on the ECJ Judgement on Cross-border Enforcement of Fines6. January 2022A&V in AW-PRAX: New Sales Law Regulations as of 1.1.202221. December 2021End of the Year = Time-bar Trap?8. December 2021A&V in Transportrecht: The freight payment claim – burden of proof and fault30. November 2021No salary during lockdown30. November 2021Ahlers & Vogel – when the going gets tough, the tough get going25. November 2021Price explosion for building materials – financial compensation possible?1. November 2021Termination of employment and subsequent sick leave The employer may have doubts about the certificate of incapacity for work in individual cases12. October 2021A&V in AW-Prax: Impact of standard delivery clauses on the export business30. September 2021Obligation for All to be registered in the Transparency Register Tightening of the law from 1 August 202121. September 2021A&V in AW-Prax: Seller obligations with regard to the carriage of goods Praxisfragen zur Anwendung von Lieferbedingungen und UN-Kaufrecht im Versendungskauf14. September 2021Ahlers & Vogel im Weser Kurier: Mit dem Gesetz auf Du und Du im Magazin „Job4you Ausbildung & Beruf“31. August 2021Recalculation of German road toll Gesetzlicher Erstattungsanspruch und neue Mautsätze23. August 2021“Holiday success” not necessary An officially ordered quarantine does not prevent the consumption of holiday leave4. August 2021Overtime Compensation For the time being, no “toleration” of overtime without the employer’s knowledge26. July 2021BAG answers open question for diaconal employers Extraordinary termination for operational reasons is possible in the scope of application of the AVR Diakonie Deutschland9. July 2021A&V in AW-Prax: ECJ on jurisdiction German hotel can sue Dutch in Germany30. June 2021Ahlers & Vogel announces new partner as of 1 July 202125. June 2021A&V in AW-Prax: Delivery by handing over the goods to the carrier Practical questions on delivery and transfer of risk in distance selling22. June 2021A&V in AW-Prax: China Import Service Fee Rip-off of CIF imports17. June 2021A&V in ICC Magazine: Template General Terms and Conditions for Digital Commerce Template of the ICC for B2C transactions on the Internet8. June 2021A&V in AW-Prax: Force Majeure in International Trade Law Main features of international business law and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods24. May 2021A&V in Straße und Autobahn: Recording is rewarding! – Maybe. Construction site correspondence21. May 2021A&V in AW-Prax: Incoterms 2020 and input tax deduction What role does the agreement of an Incoterms clause play for the input tax deduction?19. May 2021A&V in Straße und Autobahn: The tendering process for road construction projects14. May 2021A&V in AW-Prax: Legal questions on the transfer of risk in international trade Part 2 – Who bears the risk of transport damage and loss of goods in export transactions?3. May 2021A&V in AW-Prax: Legal questions on the transfer of risk in international trade Part 1 – Who bears the risk of transport damage and loss of goods in export transactions?23. April 2021Export control, embargoes and Brexit – What to watch out for? M.I.T E-SOLUTIONS GmbH’s interview with Hendrikje Herrmann20. April 2021The costs of a supplement are not recoverable!31. March 2021Securities – Corona and Easter25. February 2021Appointment as notary20. January 2021Ahlers & Vogel announces two new partners as of 1 January 202114. January 2021Choice of court agreement and enforcement: Brexit as a pitfall18. December 2020Nur pauschale Bedenkenanmeldung: Auftragnehmer haftet!17. December 2020Keine Zusatzvergütung für offenkundige Trocknungs- und Aushärtungsarbeiten!15. December 2020Die neue HOAI tritt am 01.01.2021 in Kraft3. November 2020Update: Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie22. October 2020Die sichere Vergabe von Postdienstleistungen9. October 2020AGB-Anpassungen in Zeiten von Corona?9. October 2020A&V unterstützt Studierende der Hochschule Emden/Leer mit Gesetzessammlung7. October 2020Führt der Verzicht auf die Einrede der Anfechtbarkeit zur Unwirksamkeit der Sicherungsabrede?28. September 2020Ausschluss eines GmbH-Gesellschafters auch ohne Beschluss über die Verwertung seines Geschäftsanteiles möglich25. September 2020Zur Frage der Verjährung des Anspruchs auf Stellung einer Bauhandwerkersicherheit21. September 2020Sind die HOAI-Mindestsätze zwischen Privaten noch verbindlich? BGH ruft Europäischen Gerichtshof an!16. September 2020Anwachsung von Gesellschaftsanteilen = Schenkung?16. September 2020Verstoß gegen das Schriftformerfordernis bei fehlender Unterschrift des zweiten Geschäftsführers9. September 2020Herausgabe personenbezogener Daten von KG-Gesellschaftern an Mitgesellschafter9. September 2020Konkurrenzverbote auch für Minderheitsgesellschafter?20. August 2020Kündigungsfrist von Geschäftsführerdienstverträgen30. July 2020Zur Anfechtbarkeit von Hauptversammlungsbeschlüssen wegen Verletzung des Teilnahmerechts21. July 2020Prof. Dr. Rolf Herber20. July 2020Gesetzesreform zum Schriftformerfordernis im Gewerberaummietrecht: Das Ende schlafloser Nächte?18. June 2020Ahlers & Vogel supports the International WISTA Annual General Meeting & Conference16. March 2020Information on Covid-19: Changed procedures at Ahlers & Vogel3. January 2020Analyse der Incoterms® 2020Load more JusLetter – Information, Events, Legal Issues Ahlers & Vogel regularly produces information material and offers events on current legal issues. JUSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION