Carolin DuijnLawyer | Specialist Lawyer for Tenancy and Residential Property Law | Senior Associate


20459 Hamburg
Schaarsteinwegsbrücke 2
Telephone: +49 (40) 378588-44
Telefax: +49 (40) 378588-88

Carolin Duijn studied law at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel and at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (France). After her admission as a lawyer, Ms. Duijn initially worked for an association of private landowners and then in a medium-sized Hamburg construction law firm. Carolin Duijn has been advising our clients since 2019, focusing on construction law and law for architects as well as real estate law. In addition to her work, Ms. Duijn is an author for the Nomos publishing house and an honorary lecturer at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce for training property managers.

Foreign Languages: English, French


FormularBibliothek Vertragsgestaltung, Muster, Erläuterungen, Praxishinweise
Dombeck/Kroiß (Hrsg.)
3. Auflage 2017

Mietrecht: Vertragsgestaltung, Prozessführung (Wohnraum, Gewerberaum, Pacht)
Schach/Riecke (Hrsg.)
3. (2017) und 4. Auflage (2019)
