Dr. Frederik Maximilian LethmateLawyer | Associate


28203 Bremen
Contrescarpe 21
Telephone +49 421 3334-230
Telefax +49 421 3334-111

Dr. Frederik Maximilian Lethmate studied law at Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster. There he further completed his doctoral studies at the Institute for International Business Law on issues relating to architecture and engineering contracts and resulting insurance law issues. During his doctoral studies, Dr. Lethmate worked for a leading law firm in the field of civil engineering and architectural law in Mönchengladbach. After completing the elective placement at the Oldenburg Higher Regional Court, he passed the second state law examination – receiving special recognition as one of the best in that year. Since January 2024, Dr. Lethmate has been managing his client base in the field of private construction and architectural law as well as real estate law.

Foreign languages: English


  • Das Interesse am Bauwerk – Zum Leistungsgegenstand von Architektenverträgen und dem Versicherungsschutz auf Grundlage der AVB Arch./Ing. 2020,
    2023, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft GmbH, ISBN: 978-3-96329-477-8